The Bluegrass Ceili Blog

Central Kentucky Irish dancers celebrate a centennial

Central Kentucky Irish dancers celebrate a centennial

Ceili Dancing, Instruction
It was a day when Central Kentucky Irish dancers came together to celebrate a centennial, 100 years since the 1916 Easter Rising put Ireland on the path to independence. Dancers from four schools joined together for an afternoon of music and dancing. Watch our video! We had a great turnout!  From all around Kentucky Irish dancers, friends, family and our local Irish community joined in, including folks from the Bluegrass Ceili Academy, Kentucky McTeggart Irish Dancers, Inc., the Lexington Irish Dancers and the Louisville Irish Dancers. [caption id="attachment_342" align="aligncenter" width="600"] The Bluegrass Ceili Academy family turned out for our Centennial Ceili. Check out more photos from the event on Tops in Lexington.[/caption] A big thank you to the band's Liam Fancy and to our sponsors, the Bluegrass Irish Society, Lexington Celtic Association,…
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New Irish dance classes in Lexington beginning Fall 2016

New Irish dance classes in Lexington beginning Fall 2016

We're excited to announce some big news! Beginning this fall, Bluegrass Ceili Academy will be offering Irish dance classes in Lexington through Artworks at the Carver School. Artworks at the Carver School is a community cultural arts facility operated by Lexington Parks & Recreation.  Through the program, Bluegrass Ceili Academy will offer group Irish dance classes in Lexington for both children and adults.  Classes will focus on group choreography -- known as ceili dancing -- for fun, for performance and for competition.  Whether you're a beginner, have some dance experience or are coming back to Irish dance after a break, check out our new classes this fall!   [caption id="attachment_331" align="alignright" width="232"] Download this flyer to help us spread the news about Irish dance classes in Lexington with Artworks at…
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Join the Lexington Irish dance community this Sunday

Join the Lexington Irish dance community this Sunday

Ceili Dancing, Local Events
[caption id="attachment_321" align="alignright" width="750"] Join the Lexington Irish dance community April 24 at ArtsPlace[/caption] Bluegrass Ceili Academy is the newest member of the Lexington Irish dance community and we couldn't be more excited about participating in this Sunday's Centennial Ceili at ArtsPlace.  This year, 2016, is the 100th anniversary of Ireland's Easter Rising.  In February this year, the Irish dancing commission in Dublin, An CoimisiĂșn le RincĂ­ Gaelacha, asked its member schools to come together and host local dance events in their communities. "We envisage a grand non-competitive, no costume cĂ©ilĂ­ taking place worldwide, preferably on April 24th involving as many people as possible: dancers, families and friends," CLRG asked. In the Lexington Irish dance scene, two schools are affiliated with CLRG -- the Kentucky McTeggart Irish Dancers, who have been…
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Lexington Irish dance schools invite you to dance with us!

Lexington Irish dance schools invite you to dance with us!

Local Events
For the first time, you can join all three Lexington Irish dance schools for an afternoon of music, dance performances and teaching.  Bluegrass Ceili Academy, Kentucky McTeggart Irish Dancers and the Lexington Irish Dancers are joining together to commemorate the #1916Rising, a celebration of 100 years of Irish independence. This year, Ireland commemorates the centenary of the Easter Rising of 1916 when the new Ireland was born. Communities worldwide are coming together April 24, 2016, to celebrate the anniversary #1916Rising with music and dance. Join Lexington Irish dance schools on April 24 We invite you to join our celebration. Bring your dancing shoes to ArtsPlace on Sunday, April 24 from 3 - 5 p.m.  This is a community ceili — we’ll be teaching and demonstrating dances, but we want you to participate. Music will be provided by…
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Learning Irish dance in a bar.  It’s better than you think!

Learning Irish dance in a bar. It’s better than you think!

When you're learning Irish dance, finding the right class environment is important.  If you're new to it, maybe you'd like an environment that's laid back, not stressful and just a little bit fun.  That's certainly the environment some first time Irish dance students found in downtown Lexington at the Spiders Well at McCarthy's Irish bar. [caption id="attachment_302" align="alignleft" width="450"] The Spiders Well at McCarthy's Irish Bar in Lexington, Kentucky.[/caption] The Spiders Well is a side bar that isn't used on some weeknights.  It has great wood floors for dancing and, when the table and chairs are moved to the side, plenty of room to learn and dance a few steps.   Three weeks ago, Bluegrass Ceili Academy approached the owner of McCarthy's about using the Spiders Well to teach a…
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Irish dance classes at the Spiders Well

Irish dance classes at the Spiders Well

Show up for the steps, then stay for a pint!  Join Bluegrass Ceili Academy for a FREE Irish dance class* at the Spiders Well at McCarthy's Irish Bar. Never danced before? New to Irish dance? Not a problem! We'll start with the basics. Irish ceili (pronounced kay-lee) dancing is the traditional group dancing native to Ireland. The dances we teach -- and the dances you'll learn -- are those generations-old dances handed down through the years. Our first monthly Irish dance class at the Spiders Well is Wednesday, April 13 from 7 - 8:30 p.m. McCarthy's is located downtown at 171 South Upper Street, Lexington. The Spiders Well is through the door along the right wall towards the back of the bar. Be sure to sign up for our emails to…
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7 things you should know about Irish ceili dancing

7 things you should know about Irish ceili dancing

Ceili Dancing
You see the word "ceili" in our name and wonder "What is that?  How do you say it? Can I even do that?"  Yes you can! Here are answers to some of the questions you may have about ceili dancing and just how fun and easy it can be. 1. It’s easier to pronounce than it looks! In Irish, the word “ceili” is pronounced the same way my niece spells her name, Kaylee! Spelling it might be tricky if you hear it before you see the spelling, but since it’s “I before E, except after C” then you’re good here, too. C-E-I-L-I Irish ceili dancing is the traditional group dancing native to Ireland, first taught by tradition and then, in 1939, put into writing by the Irish dancing commission.  The…
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Join us for Central Kentucky’s Centennial Ceili!

Join us for Central Kentucky’s Centennial Ceili!

Ceili Dancing, Local Events
Join Central Kentucky's Irish dance schools for our Centennial CĂ©ilĂ­, a celebration of Irish dance and music here in the heart of the Bluegrass.  This free community event  is Sunday afternoon, April 24, from 3 - 5 p.m. at ArtsPlace in Lexington.   Bluegrass Ceili Academy is joining with the Bluegrass Irish Society, the Kentucky McTeggart Irish Dancers, the Lexington Irish Dancers and others in the local Irish community to commemorate the 1916 Rising -  the 100th anniversary of Irish independence - with a community dance and music celebration.     Visit our Centennial CĂ©ilĂ­ page for all the details!    
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Learn to Irish dance!

Learn to Irish dance!

Bluegrass Ceili Academy is now offering Irish dance instruction for individuals, small groups and current dance students wanting to give it a try. If you've thought about trying something new to you, now is the time to do so.   Book a workshop now!   If you’re interested in booking a workshop or individual or small group Irish dance lessons in the Lexington or Central Kentucky area, please click here to complete our workshop registration form online. (Opens a Google Form in a new window.)  
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Lab Tag

Brochure, Visiting card
Praesent libero nisi, malesuada quis faucibus ac, ultricies ut risus. Ut a est sodales, rutrum odio at, accumsan augue. Sed ac nulla est. Integer vitae ipsum auctor, elementum lectus vel, ultricies felis. Proin condimentum metus aliquam lectus venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur fermentum diam ut ornare ultricies. Mauris facilisis ex quam, sit amet lacinia mi blandit eu. Proin dui quam, blandit vitae eros ac, rutrum tincidunt dui. Proin sed risus ac tellus condimentum aliquam sed ac odio. Nam facilisis dui eget odio faucibus efficitur.
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