Central Kentucky Irish dancers celebrate a centennial
It was a day when Central Kentucky Irish dancers came together to celebrate a centennial, 100 years since the 1916 Easter Rising put Ireland on the path to independence. Dancers from four schools joined together for an afternoon of music and dancing. Watch our video! We had a great turnout!  From all around Kentucky Irish dancers, friends, family and our local Irish community joined in, including folks from the Bluegrass Ceili Academy, Kentucky McTeggart Irish Dancers, Inc., the Lexington Irish Dancers and the Louisville Irish Dancers. [caption id="attachment_342" align="aligncenter" width="600"] The Bluegrass Ceili Academy family turned out for our Centennial Ceili. Check out more photos from the event on Tops in Lexington.[/caption] A big thank you to the band's Liam Fancy and to our sponsors, the Bluegrass Irish Society, Lexington Celtic Association,…