From festivals to competitions to free classes, Bluegrass Ceili Academy, a community-based Lexington Irish dance school keeps the activities going all summer long.
While our 2018-2019 classes wrapped up at the beginning of May, our dancers have kept dancing all summer long. On May 10, our youth Irish dance class took the stage at the Lexington Opera House for their year-end recital.
The next day, our adults and a few of our youth dancers traveled up I-75 to Cincinnati for the Queen City Feis.
Then it was back home for the final night of Opera House recitals — this time our Lexington Irish dance school team dancers took to the stage. (Be sure to scroll through all three photos below!)
Summer is festival season and there’s no shortage of festivals for our Irish dancers! On June 1, we kicked off the summer season with the Bethany Mission Fest in Campton, Kentucky.
June also brings two Kentucky Irish dance competitions — the Louisville Feis and the Bluegrass Feis. Our dancers did AWESOME at both competitions!
As a community-based program, we love getting out and supporting community events, such as the Lexington Pride Festival. Our dancers participated in this year’s festival with a booth, and shared lots of smiles, stickers and bracelets with our friends, old and new! (Scroll through the post below for more photos!)
And what about those free classes? We’re offering three open houses over the summer — one in July, one in August and one in September. Be sure to check out our updated online calendar for the details.
Coming up next for our Lexington Irish dance school?
We’re halfway through summer, and we still have a whole lot more dancing to do! You can follow along with us online on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at @bluegrassceili. And our online calendar lets you know what’s going on.
Here are just a few of the events we’re looking forward to:
- Bluegrass Ceili Academy at the KY Renn Fair – July 14
- Dance with Bluegrass Ceili Academy – Registration for Fall 2019 opens July 24
- Gaelic Storm – we join the band at Manchester Music Hall on July 25
- Columbus Feis – August 2 our dancers head to Ohio for our final summer competition
- Free Irish Dance Class & Open House – August 12 at Artworks at the Carver School
- Free Irish Dance Class & Artworks Open House – September 5 at Artworks
- CLASSES BEGIN – Regular classes begin for 2019-2020 the week of September 23!
Bluegrass Ceili Academy is more than just a dance school.
Perspective. Experience. Community. Mission. It’s what matters.
It’s the way we look at things, the experience we bring to the classroom, it’s building and giving back to our community, and living our mission by providing a supportive learning environment for dancers of all ages and skill levels.
Want the latest updates on our community-based Lexington Irish dance school, our classes, registration, local performance and other news? Connect with us via email or social media to stay up to date!