When Bluegrass Ceili Academy classes begin this fall at Artworks at the Carver School, it will be the first time our community-based Lexington Irish dance program welcomes students. It will also be the first time in a number of years that Irish dance has been offered through Lexington Parks and Recreation. We’re excited to get started, but we need your help to do so!
Since we’re new to the Lexington irish dance community, with no previous dancers around, there’s no “used shoe bin” for our students.
To get our new students dancing, Bluegrass Ceili Academy is seeking donations of all sizes of lightly used and outgrown Irish dance shoes. Currently, none of the dance supply stores in Lexington stock ghillies or hard shoes, and local competitions where vendors may be selling shoes are hours (and months) away from the start of our classes.
As a city run, community-based program, we’re hoping to keep the “start up costs” for our dancers and their families as reasonable as we can.
Help our new Lexington Irish dance school
This is where our friends throughout the larger Irish dance community can help!
If you have girls and boys light or heavy shoes to spare, please contact us at [email protected] for shipping information.
Thank you — in advance — for supporting our soon-to-be dancers Lexington Irish dance students and our new school! It’ll help get our children and adults out on the floor and dancing!